Audio, Blog, Writing

Nina Rolle: Giving Voice

“In 2021, I branched into the audiobook genre! I have begun collaborating with women authors whose stories I feel moved to give voice to. I will donate 100% of my earnings from these projects to organizations that serve the populations featured in each book. My first collaboration is with Lisa Fierer and her award-winning debut memoir, thirst a memoir.”

—Nina Rolle

thirst: a memoir is now on Audible!

Excited to announce a collaboration with the world’s top voiceover artist, Nina Rolle, narrating thirst, a memoir. Available on Audible now!

thirst: a memoir

thirst: a memoir is about the distance between the lives we are given and the lives we choose. It’s a story about survival, hope, yoga,

Audio, Blog

The New F-Word {With Lisa Fierer}

Lisa Fierer shares her personal story and journey to forgiveness: A twelve-year-old Lisa called out of class to the principles office and told her mother has been killed and her father arrested for the crime. With her proven method of Fear Less –– Forgive More, Lisa uses humor, storytelling, and yogic principles to teach people and companies to let go of debilitating beliefs and discover the freedom and joy of life.

Listen to Lisa Fierer’s interview on Satiate Podcast

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