Blog, Writing

The Thing About Thirst

images-2I’ve never been so alive as when I was dying of thirst. I have always been compelled by thirst, after all, it is one of the non-negotiable things about being human, our bodies are about 60% water and still we’re always thirsty for something. I’ve thirsted for a lot of things in my life: love, safety, acceptance. I know that sometimes the human brain has trouble distinguishing between thirst & hunger, but physical and spiritual hunger seems to come from a slightly different place; thirst is a seeking and it is both universal and unique to each one of us.

This lifelong spiritual thirst of mine, the desire for connection, for intimacy, is one of the things that brought me …

Blog, Writing


images-3Great loves often begin when things go wrong.

Desperation has been my ticket to many things, including yoga. I took my first yoga class in 1999, because I was desperate. I had sustained a shoulder injury and had tried everything to heal it. I began to notice the blissed-out calm on the faces on the peaceful folks coming out of the yoga class at my gym. They looked yoga-stoned and I wanted some of what they had. So when I saw an offer for a free week of yoga classes, I signed up. My first svelte-bodied yoga instructor had dark curly hair and even though she was only 30, her wisdom about the practice of yoga and lack of ego …

Blog, Writing

Why Writing a Book is the Worst and Best Decision I Ever Made

images-4The truth is, I love books.

I know that, in this day and age, actual books made with paper and glue are becoming somewhat obsolete, nudged out by Kindles, iBooks, audio books, etc but none of them seduce me in the same way as a real book. Holding a thick paperback in my hands, letting the black print of the words gaze softly into=my eyes is a magical feeling.

But despite my lifelong book love affair, I never dreamed of actually being an author. That was reserved for those, well, inspirational folk.

See, It’s all yoga’s fault.

I never would have taken on the monumental task of bringing a book to life if it wasn’t for that damn pigeon pose. …

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