Blog, Published, Writing

Open Letter to Oprah Winfrey and HARPO Productions

Dear Oprah,

When I was 8 years old, I would come home after school each day, make myself a vanilla milkshake and like every other kid in that era, plop in front of the television.

What I was really drawn in by were talk shows. I was captivated by the opportunity to hear about people’s lives and their personal struggles, brought out into the open. Unfortunately, when my father got home from work, storming into the house, everything changed. When he begin to beat my mom and brother, as he did all too often, I would simply sit closer and closer to the TV, trying to block it all out while waiting for the police and or paramedics. I had …

Blog, Published, Yoga

Channeling Your Child: A Survival Guide for Yoga Moms

When I teach Yoga, I often lead with, “Look! We all know we’re supposed to keep our minds and eyes on our own mat. But the truth is, we’re always eyeballing those around us. So let’s take a good look around and give each other the ‘once over’ so we can get our yoga on.”

The moms I know get constant practice at avoiding comparing when it comes to preserving their sanity. Especially when their children are mid-meltdown in public. During those challenging moments, moms don’t need a sixth sense to know that the young couple on a blind date two tables over is silently judging. And, of course, there’s the all-pervading guilt about misbehaving offspring that trails behind like …

Blog, Writing

My Damn Dharma


I never thought my life’s purpose would be largely influenced by a childhood arcade game.

The first time I ever heard the word, “Dharma” was in a vinyasa yoga class in Boulder Colorado, fifteen years ago. My teacher, Brandon began the class seated criss-cross-apple -sauce style, explaining to us that there is a purpose in all that we do; our dharma.

Not yet familiar with Sanskrit, the language that forms the foundation of Yoga, I thought Brandon had hiccoughed mid-word. What was the word he was trying to say, was it direction? duty?… And why the hell are we starting a power yoga class seated listening to chit chat? Just then, something he said cut through my irreverent irritation.…

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